


An Interface is like a blueprint. It defines some data and functionality that should exist within a type that implements the interface. An interface does not care about the implementation. It merely requires that it is implemented.

Here's an example interface:

public interface SampleInterface
    void sampleMethod();

interface OtherInterface
    String otherMethod();

Unlike inheritance, a class can conform to multiple interfaces:

class SampleClass : SampleInterface, OtherInterface
    // SampleInterface member implementation
    void sampleMethod()
        // Method implementation

    // OtherInterface member implementation
    String otherMethod()
        // Other implementation
        return "Message";

Later in code, you can create an instance of the SampleClass as an instance of the SampleInterface:

SampleInterface sample = new SampleClass();

You can also have an interface inherit from another interface.

Let's create a Hawk class and a Penguin class. Both are animals. Both are birds, even. But, only one can fly.

Using Interfaces, we can accomplish this functionality is a clear, concise, and readable way:

class Animal {}

public interface Bird // For all birds
    void cleanFeathers();

public interface FlyingBird extends Bird // For all flying birds
    void fly();

class Hawk extends Animal, FlyingBird
    public void cleanFeathers() {}
    public void fly() {}

class Penguin extends Animal, Bird
    public void cleanFeathers() {}

Let's look at an example that shows the benefit of interchangeable code using Interfaces. We'll use the Bird interface with a method:

public void cleanBird(Bird bird)

Later, we can create an instance of the Hawk class and the Penguin class. Both of these instances are different types, but both implement the Bird interface:

Hawk hawk = new Hawk();
cleanBird(hawk); // this works

Penguin penguin = new Penguin();
cleanBird(penguin); // this also works

We've created a method that accepts any bird in a type-safe fashion.